Hej! I have some exciting news today! Last Friday, my partner and I learned that we will be teaching grades 4-6 during our practicum in Sweden (this is equivalent to grades 5-7 in Canada). We are all buzzing with excitement as the countdown begins: I leave for Sweden in one month and one day! Today my blog post will be talking about Swedish public transportation. I am writing this post so I am prepared to get myself from the airport to the house where we are all staying. I also need to know how to get from the house to the school.

Photo by Taisiia Shestopal on Unsplash
How to get from the airport to the house:
I will be arriving at the Stockholm Arlanda Airport in terminal 5.
I will then need to pop down to the SL Station in the underground at the airport and buy two tickets (according to this website):
- A train ticket between the Arlanda aiport and the Stockholm Central Station for 157 SEK ($16.25)
- A 30 day transit pass that covers trains, boats, buses, and trams for 930 SEK ($96.35)
I will then follow this google map plan:
How to get from the house to the school and vice versa
Once we have our 30 day transit pass, we can use it whenever we want in those 30 days. So, we will walk 14 minutes to the bus stop every morning and then ride for 6 minutes followed by 1 more minute of walking to get us to the school. Here is the google maps navigation that we will follow.
On the way back it is the exact same just flipped in reverse. It is even faster to get home because it will be downhill.
My ever-growing list of Swedish words/phrases that I have learned on Duolingo:
- A boy = En pojke
- A girl = En flicka
- A woman = En Kvinna
- I am a woman = Jag är en kvinna
- A man = En man/ Mannen
- Drinking = Dricker
- Water = Vatten
- Eating = äter
- And = Och
- A = Ett
- Bread = Bröd
- One book, several books = En bok, flera böcker
- A menu = En meny
- You = Du
- Have = Har
- A/one/an = En and Ett
- Newspaper(s) = Tidning(ar)
- A letter = Ett brev
- The child = Barnet
- Milk = Mjolk
- It = Det
- Read = Läser
- She = Hon
- He = Han
- Are/Is = är
- We = Vi
- You = Du
- Sandwich = smörgås
- They = De
- Rice = Ris
- Good morning = God morgon!
- Yes = Ja
- Please = Snälla
- So = så
- Then = då
- You are welcome = Varsågod
- Hello = Hej or Hållo
- Everyone = Alla
- Welcome = Välkommen
- I am sorry = Ursäkta
- Food = mat
- Pasta = Pasta
- Breakfast = Frukost
- Fruit = Frukt
- Sugar = Socker
- Cheese = Ost
- Coffee = Kaffe
- Lunch = lunch
- Good bye = Hej då
- Dog(s) = hund(ar)
- Moose = älg
- Cat(s) = Katt(er)
- Meat = Kott
- Horse(s) = Häst(er)
- It = det
- several = flera
- does not = inte (for example, hon läser inte brev = she does not read letters)
- has = har
- apple(s) = äpple(n)
- Our tomato = Vår tomat
- Lemon = citron
- Her (possessive) = hennes
- Their = deras
- soup = soppa
- my = min
- your = din
- his = hans
- dairy = mejeri, mjölkaffär and mjölkkammare

Photo by Laurent Gence on Unsplash
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