Hello and welcome back to my music blog! Today is my first progress report after the midterm and I will be outlining my progress on my criteria/indicators of success.

Photo by Tony Rojas on Unsplash

Criteria (Indicators of Success)
  • Chord Memorization:

I have now memorized the F chord that I introduced at the midterm. I need to remember that I must push hard with each finger on the strings and also strum only the bottom four strings. All of my other chords are memorized, what I need to work on is pushing hard so that the sound is full.

  • Chord Transitions

Similar to my midterm progress, my chord transitions between Am to C and G to D in “Slow Burn” are still not able to be played accurately yet. The G and D and G and C chord transitions are improving but still not smooth in “Happy Birthday.” Finally, in the Alphabet Song, I find the transition between C and F difficult but it is way easier than during the midterm. All I need to do is move my middle finger and ring finger down/up one string each when transitioning between the two. 

  • Strumming Patterns

I have completely and accurately memorized the strumming pattern for “Slow Burn” (“Down, Down. Down, Up, Down, Down”). For “Happy Birthday” I am learning to strum “Down, Down,” however, it is still on the way to being fully memorized. Finally, in the Alphabet Song, I use a be using a simple “Down” strumming pattern that I have memorized.

  • Ability to Sing at the Same Time

In order to sing along to my songs, I still must play them in half-time.Â