Hey Ms. G! This was a very interesting and informative blog post! If I am being honest, I also did not understand what Multimedia Learning was before doing the readings for this week. I cannot wait to delve further into the topic because I agree with you, it is a great tool to support students and their learning. 

I noticed that we have similar experiences with multimedia and French classes—I also had to make and/or watch music videos that showcased french vocabulary or verbs in most of my French classes. By combining lyrics and auditory music and visual videos, the learning experience is definitely enriched by the multiple means of representation; student learning is greatly supported. 

I like how you clearly explained the difference between “learner-centred” and “technology-centred” interactive learning. I agree that teaching with a “learner-centred” approach is very important. It is up to the teacher to make sure that the digital multimedia that they decide to use with their students is authentic. Authenticity is key because I believe that any tools or multimedia used in the classroom, technological or not, must be relevant and purposeful for the unique group of learners present. My new thinking after reading your post and watching the video is how important pictures alongside text can be to “reinforce content and improve knowledge transfer.” Thank you for sharing your personal take on multimedia!